My Projects on web development

Personel Expence Calucalator

March 2021

A single page application Built with JavaSript, it takes input of the amount spent and description on which the amount is spent and adds to the total expense

Try Expense Calucalator

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Profit or Loss

Sep 2021

A GUI app built with VanillaJS. An app to get u know Profit or Loss on your stoks.

Live Project

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Is Your Birthday a Palindrome?

Sep 2021

A GUI fun app built with VanillaJS. The app tells the users if their birthdates are Palindrome or not.

Live Project

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Fun with Triangles

Sep 2021

An app built with Vanilla JS. The app has a triangle quiz, checks if the three sides forms a traingle and calculates Area and Hypotenuse of traingle.

Live Project

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Is Your Birthday Lucky?

Sep 2021

A GUI fun app built with VanillaJS. The app tells the users if their birthdates are lucky or not.

Live Project

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Cash Register

Sep 2021

An app built with Vanilla JS. The app help the user by telling how he/she can return the change to the customer with minimum number of notes?

Live Project

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Travel Recomendation App

Oct 2021

An app built with ReactJS. This React app will Recomend you the Best places to trevel in the Famous cities of india.

Live Project

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Emoji interpretor App 😊

Oct 2021

An app built with ReactJS. Put an emoji as input, it will tell what that means.

Live Project

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Shakespeare Language Translator

Oct 2021

A GUI app built with Vanilla JS using Funtranslation API. it will translate Text in English to Shakespeare Language.


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Oct 2021

An app built with Vanilla JS using Funtranslation API. it will translate text in English to Minions Language.


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My Portfolio

April 2021

My Portfolio Built with HTML & CSS to showcase my skills and projects

Live Project

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Tokyo Olympics-2020 Quiz App

Oct 2021

A CLI app made using NodeJSA CLI App checks How well you know about Tokyo Olympics.

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How well do u know me?

April 2021

A CLI app made using NodeJS u can share this to your friends and find out How well they know you.

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April 2021

Created a beautiful UI to play music stored in the "music folder" using JavaScript and HTML5 audio API.

Try this App

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Microsoft Homepage clone

April 2021

The Microsoft Homepage built using HTML5 and CSS, In this project i have learnt about Modern CSS including CSS grid, flexbox, Media queries and responsive alignment of items and links in web

Visit clone

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Uber Clone

Nov 2021

Developed Front End Clone of Uber app by creating reusable components. Used MapBox API for getting Pickup and Dropoff coordinates. And used Firebase for google Authentication to Login.

Live Project

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